District of Innovation
District of Innovation Plan
What is a District of Innovation Plan?
• A District of Innovation designation allows traditional independent school districts to access most of the flexibilities available to Texas’ open enrollment charter schools
• Passed by the 84th Legislative Session in House Bill 1842
Why DOI?
• HB 1842 provides QISD with the opportunity to fulfill our mission according to the needs and resources of our district while maximizing local control
• Continue to expand current programs and to recruit and retain excellent teachers
• To better serve and accommodate the diverse needs of all of our stakeholders, including students, staff, parents and community members
• The ability to innovate and think “outside the box,” to the benefit of Quinlan ISD students, educators and staff
• Flexibility and freedom to be innovative with the kinds of learning experiences afforded students while maintaining accountability for the results
• Increased local control over district operations to improve the quality of services benefiting all stakeholders and important educational decisions at the local level.
Click here to view the complete QISD District of Innovation Plan: