PEIMS » New Student Enrollment & Returning Student Registration

New Student Enrollment & Returning Student Registration

Please ensure that your child meets the required state qualifications. You will begin the online enrollment process via the Ascender Parent Portal.  Please make sure you have received notification your child is eligible before you start the enrollment process in the Ascender Parent Portal.


New student enrollment is a process intended for new students who have never been enrolled in 

QISD; including incoming Pre-Kindergarten students and Kindergarten students who did not attend Cannon Elementary School for Pre-Kindergarten. You may begin the new student enrollment process today. The process will be completed online via the Ascender Parent Portal.  


For students who have previously attended QISD and left the district, but are now returning, please contact the appropriate campus for assistance. 


You can upload these required documents as part of the new student enrollment process. We can also help you complete this task at the campus office if you don’t have access to a scanner or smartphone. We'll be happy to help when our campuses and offices reopen.


      • Proof of Residency (utility bill, contract of purchase or lease of home)
      • Original birth certificate 
      • Social Security Card
      • Up-to-date immunization record
      • Driver’s license of parent/guardian
      • Legal documents (if applicable)
      • Disability documents (if applicable)
      • Last two months of household's income (3 most recent paystubs or Tax Form 1040) **
      • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits letter **
      • Department of Defense Identification (if qualifying based on military) **
      • Letter documenting conservatorship by the DFPS (if qualifying based on foster placement) **
      • Star of Texas Award Certification **
** Prekindergarten and Headstart students only


Once you have completed the online new student enrollment process, uploaded or emailed the supporting documents, your campus will issue you a Parent Portal ID for each student you successfully enrolled. You can use the portal ID to add your child (ren) to your account. 



Returning student online registration will open beginning May 8, 2023. To access Returning Student Online Registration, you will need to have an active Ascender Parent Portal Account as well as use an active email account that is on file with your student’s campus. You will be able to access Ascender Parent Portal from our website at You will go to the Parents tab and click the Ascender Parent Portal link. The directions are below "Quick Guide to ParentPortal Accounts."



For more information, please contact the campus PEIMS staff at the appropriate campus:


Cannon Elementary School – [email protected]

Butler Intermediate School –

Thompson Middle School – [email protected]

Ford High School – [email protected]


Or call 903-356-1213 between the hours of 9-12 and 1-3 Monday through Thursday.




The following documentation MUST be provided along with the transfer packet before the transfer is submitted for approval to your campus principal.

  • Most recent transcript and/or Report Card
  • Attendance record (Previous Year & Current)
  • Discipline record
  • Two personal letters of recommendation (From Sending School)
  • Health information (current shot records, etc.)
  • Review Application all questions must be answered
  • Parent signatures
Completed packets are accepted during the first two weeks of each semester.

The 2023-2024 Parent Portal will be open May 8, 2023.  Please see the link to our Ascender Parent Portal under Parent Resources on the Quinlan ISD website.


Cannon Elementary School

Jerrie Elliott 

[email protected]

Butler Intermediate School

Kali Guiette

[email protected]


Thompson Middle School

Stacey Walthall

  [email protected]


Ford High School

Becky Gailley 

 [email protected]