School-Community Relations Department » Branding / Logo Guidelines

Branding / Logo Guidelines



Official QISD Brand Identity Package

Quinlan ISD officially adopted a brand identity package for "All Things Quinlan Panthers." Panther Pride is the cornerstone of our district. QISD's rich legacy through the years has led to the district establishing a strong and iconic brand identity that not only represents but also resonates with all generations and will carry into the future for many years ahead. 


Requesting Permission

All QISD logos are original artwork owned by the district. Any outside entity, person, business, or organization requesting the use of a logo for purposes unrelated to Quinlan Independent School District must obtain written permission from the QISD School-Community Relations Department. 


Due Diligence for Outside Solicitation Requested

Quinlan ISD and its partner organizations that sell Quinlan Panther items must use official district logos as outlined in the Brand Style Manual. District and partner organizations selling items to raise funds must obtain written permission from the campus principal or department head on official district letterhead. It is the responsibility of anyone giving money to support a cause for anything related to Quinlan ISD to verify what and who they are giving to and where the proceeds will be allocated. In due diligence, any organization associated with QISD will be provided a letter on official district letterhead with a current date, sponsor, and principal or director's signature, contact emails, and phone numbers to ensure the endeavor is legitimate and supports a program, organization, or team within Quinlan schools. 


Official Brand Established June 2024


QISD Brand Style Manual

QISD Public Logo Files