Police » FAQ


Are Quinlan ISD Police Officers really Police Officers? 


Yes, Quinlan ISD Police Officers are really Police Officers. They are commissioned by the Board of Trustees of the District. The authority to commission police officers comes from the Texas Education Code under section 37.081. The Board of Trustees sets the jurisdiction and scope of duties for school district police. School District police are authorized to enforce all laws and may arrest individuals found in violation of those laws.

Additionally, traffic safety has become a leading concern, surrounding student safety while traveling to and from schools and district programs. Quinlan ISD Officers may write both (traffic) and (non-traffic) citations for appropriate offenses that are covered by State law including offenses listed in the Texas Education Code. These citations are filed with the appropriate Justice of the Peace.


Who do Quinlan ISD Police Officers work for?


Quinlan ISD Officers work for the district that commissions them. Under the Education Code of the State of Texas, school district police officers are supervised by the Chief of Police of the school district. This matter falls under 37.081 of the Texas Education Code. The Police Chief answers to the Superintendent or his/her designee.


How does someone report an incident?


During the normal school day they may call the campus where the incident occurred and ask to speak to the Campus Officer.  Additionally you may contact the campus officer directly.  Please see the staff page for officer contact information.  I you witnesses an emergency on a campus and need police, fire or EMS, please call 911.  


Can I use my cell phone or text in a school zone?


No, using a handheld wireless device in any manner in an active school zone is illegal, unless you are using a speaker phone or headphones.  You should not be holding your phone.  Further, it is also illegal to use your device on school property during an active school zone.  Violators can be issued a citation and fines are up to $200 plus court cost.  Person under 18 years of age are prohibited by law from using their wireless device in any manner while operating a motor vehicle, regardless of the location.




What court do I go to if I am issued a traffic or criminal citation?


Citations (tickets) issued by Quinlan ISD Police Officers are adjudicated in Justice of the Peace Courts in Hunt County.


What happens if I don't appear in court or pay my citation?


If you do not appear in court or pay your fine, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Any police officer may arrest you once the warrant is issued.


Can school district officers arrest adults and juveniles?


YES, school district officers have the authority to arrest an adult and take a juvenile into custody.


Do QISD officers have any authority at school functions not held on district property (i.e. Prom , Graduation)?


YES, wherever school district functions are held school district officers have authority on that property.


Can school district officers respond if another police agency needs assistance?


YES, just as other law enforcement may respond to our officer's assistance, so may they respond to calls for assistance from other police departments.


Can I pass a school bus, loading or unloading children, on a road with a median?


You cannot pass a school bus when unloading or loading children. The only exception is if the roadway is divided, separating the road into two separate roads. The separation may be made by a concrete barrier or grassy median NOT by lines painted on the road.  Highway 276 West of Quinlan is not a divided highway, therefore all vehicles must stop for a bus loading or unloading children.



What is the law on passing an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road?


The new law states that when approaching ANY emergency vehicle (police, fire, EMS, etc..) you must vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle if you are on a multi-lane roadway. If you only have one lane then you must slow to a speed not more than 20 MPH below the posted speed limit.  (If the speed limit is below 25 mph the driver must slow down to 5 mph.)  This means if you are in a school zone and are passing a stationary emergency vehicle with its lights activated you must slow to 20 mph less than the school zone speed or 5 mph in some cases.  The school zone speed limits are:

DCC – Spur 264 – 25 mph (5 mph)

BIS – Clardy Drive – 25 mph (5 mph)

TMS – Panther Path – 20 mph (5 mph)

FHS – Spur 264 – 35 mph; SH 34 – 35 mph (15 mph)



Can I lose my driver's license if I get caught with tobacco by the police and I am under 18?


Your license can get suspended by a judge if you do not attend the mandatory tobacco awareness class after being convicted of possession of a tobacco product.


Can I cut through a parking lot when traffic is heavy?


NO, it is illegal to cut through any parking lot to turn onto one roadway from another roadway.  This includes the “Old Save Mart/Family Dollar” parking lot.


Can I be arrested for a traffic violation?


YES, anyone can be arrested for any traffic violation except for speeding and having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. It is at the officer's discretion on how to handle each situation.