Police » Parking Permits

Parking Permits

Staff Parking Permits:


Parking permit applications for staff may be obtained by clicking on the link below, emailing your campus officer and requesting an application, or picking one up in person in the Assistant Principal Secretary's office at Ford High School.  The application is then submitted to the campus officer, or sent by inner-district mail to the campus Police Officer at Ford High School.  Your permit will be delivered to you when ready. 


 Faculty Parking Permit Application


Student Parking Permits:


Parking permit applications for FHS students may be obtained anytime throughout the school year by one of three ways:

  1. By clicking on the link below
  2. In person by picking one up in the Assistant Principal Secretary’s office at Ford High School
  3. In person from the campus Police Officer at Ford High School. 


FHS students who are driving when school starts have ten school days to apply for a parking permit.  After ten school days has passed, all vehicles parked on campus are required to have a permit or a parking ticket will be issued.  Fines are paid to Ford High School and any outstanding fines and fees must be paid before transcripts will be released.


Students who begin driving after the first two weeks of school may obtain a parking permit any time during the school year, once they have obtained a valid driver’s license. Reminder you must have a current year parking permit to park at Ford High School. 



All students must present a valid Texas Driver’s License and current proof of insurance for the vehicles being registered along with their application. 


Applications must be turned in by the student.  Applications can be turned in to the Ford High School campus Police Officer during passing periods and during lunches.  Applications may also be turned in the Assistant Principal Secretary's office.  Students will not be allowed to turn in applications during any class period.  Students attempting to turn in applications during class periods will be turned away.


Student parking permits are $20 for the entire school year.  Students obtaining parking permits after the Christmas break will be charged $10. Permits are valid only for the school year in which they were purchased. 


Payment may be made in cash or by check made out to Quinlan ISD.


Parking permit fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.


Student parking privileges are just that, a privilege and not a right.  Vehicles parked and operated on school property are subject to school rules and state traffic laws.  Students who are found to be in violation of school policy, student code of conduct and/or state traffic laws may have their parking privilege suspended or revoked.  Students who are issued parking tickets may appeal those tickets through FHS administration by following the procedures laid out in the parking regulations attached to the parking permit application. 


Citations issued by the police department for traffic law violations with a notice to appear before the Justice of the Peace must be handled through the court and are not subject to the jurisdiction of QISD Administration.




Parking Ticket Appeal Form - For QISD Parking Tickets only, not for Quinlan ISD Police Department Citations