Safety and Security a Priority at Quinlan ISD

The Quinlan ISD Police Department was formed on September 11, 2000.  The department consists of a Chief of Police and three officers.  An officer is stationed at each campus every day.  Our officers are licensed Peace Officers in the state of Texas and have full authority to write traffic citations, conduct investigations and make arrests on or off QISD properties.  Officers work all QISD sporting events in Quinlan and at away varsity football games.  You will also see Police Explorer's at events in Quinlan.  Police Explorer's are high school students who are interested in pursuing a law enforcement career later in life or a student who just wants to learn more about all aspects of law enforcement.  We  partner with the ACE Afterschool Program and formed a club of Junior Police Explorers at Thompson Middle School in 2017-2018 school year.  We get numerous questions on school safety throughout the year.  QISD PD has adopted the Safety Response Protocols from the I Love You Guys foundation as the core of our safety procedures.  These safety procedures are taught to students and staff at the beginning of each school year and drills are conducted throughout the year. The QISD Police Department and ACE started the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class for graduating females during the 2017-2018 school year.   RAD class teaches self-defense techniques and raises personal safety awareness and risk reduction to the attendees.  The RAD class will be offered to the public very soon. While we participate in all school activities, our focus remains to provide a safe and peaceful learning environment for everyone at QISD.  



Steve Walden 

Chief of Police

Quinlan ISD Police Department